Brief introduction of log file formatsYou can choose the format that your Web server uses to record user activity. The following formats are available: |
The W3C Extended log file format, Microsoft IIS log file format, and NCSA log file format are all ASCII text formats. The W3C Extended and NCSA formats record logging data in four-digit year format. The W3C Extended log file format provides the most features of all of the log formats because you can customise the fields which are logged thereby reducing the size of log files. W3C Extended Log File FormatW3C Extended format is a customizable ASCII format with a variety of different fields.
Fields are separated by spaces. Time is recorded as UTC (Greenwich Mean Time). The example below shows lines from a file using the following fields: Time, Client IP Address, Method, URI Stem, HTTP Status, and HTTP Version. #Software: Microsoft Internet Information Services 5.0 #Version: 1.0 #Date: 1998-05-02 17:42:15 #Fields: time c-ip cs-method cs-uri-stem sc-status cs-version 17:42:15 GET /default.htm 200 HTTP/1.0 The preceding entry indicates that:
The #Date: field indicates when the first log entry was made, which is when the log was created. The #Version: field indicates that the W3C logging format 1.0 was used. Any of the fields can be selected, but some fields may not have information available for some requests. For fields that are selected, but for which there is no information, a dash (—) appears in the field as a placeholder. If you have your site configured for Anonymous user authentication the user shows as a dash (—). Microsoft IIS Log FormatMicrosoft IIS format is a fixed (non-customizable) ASCII format. It records more items of information than the NCSA Common format. The Microsoft IIS format includes basic items such as:
User name Request date and time HTTP status code The number of bytes received. In addition, it includes detailed items such as:
The number of bytes sent The action (for example, a download carried out by a GET command) and the target file. The items are separated by commas The time is recorded as local time. When you open a Microsoft IIS format file in a text editor, the entries are similar to the following examples:,—,03/20/98,7:55:20,W3SVC2,SALES1,,4502,163,3223,200,0,GET,DeptLogo.gif The preceding sample entries are interpreted as follows:
User Name Date Time Service and Instance Computer Name IP Address of Server Time taken in Ms Bytes Received Bytes Sent Service Status Code Windows NT/2000 Status Code Request type Target of the operation So as text we have:
issued an HTTP GET command for the image file DeptLogo.gif at 7:55 A.M. on March 20, 1998 From a server named SALES1 at IP address
In the log file:
A hyphen acts as a placeholder if there is no valid value for a certain field. NCSA Common format is a fixed (non-customizable) ASCII format, available for Web sites but not for FTP sites. It records basic information about user requests, such as:
User name Date Time Request type HTTP status code Number of bytes received by the server. The item are separated by spaces Time is recorded as local time. When you open an NCSA Common format file in a text editor, the entries are similar to the following example: — REDMOND\fred [08/Apr/1997:17:39:04 -0800] Note: In the preceding entry, the second field (which would show the remote log name of the user) is empty and is represented by the hyphen following the IP address The preceding sample entry is interpreted as follows:
User Name Date Time & GMT offset Request Type Service Status Code Bytes Sent
A hyphen acts as a placeholder if there is no valid value for a certain field. The entry indicates that a user named Fred in the REDMOND domain, with the IP address of, issued an HTTP GET command (that is, downloaded a file) at 5:39 P.M. on April 8, 1998. The request returned, without error, 3401 bytes of data to the user named Fred. ODBC LoggingODBC logging format is a record of a fixed set of data fields in an ODBC-compliant database, such as Microsoft Access or Microsoft SQL Server. Some of the items logged are:
User name Request date and time HTTP status code Bytes received Bytes sent
The time is recorded as local time You must specify the database to be logged to. You must setup the database table manually to receive the data. To use ODBC logging, you must complete the following steps:
Process accounting is a new feature in IIS 5+. It adds additional fields to the W3C Extended log file to record information about how Web sites use CPU resources on the server. This information is used to determine if sites are using a disproportional amount of CPU resources, or to detect malfunctioning scripts or CGI processes. Process accounting can be enabled on a per-site basis. It does not provide details:
Logs information only about out-of-process applications. It is available only for Web sites Is only available with the W3C Extended log file format. The process accounting information is interspersed with other logging information in the file. To enable process accounting use the following procedure:
The information gained from process accounting can be used to determine if process throttling should be enabled on a Web site. Process throttling limits the amount of processor time a Web site can use - Process throttling can cause clients to be denied access to your web site. Log File Size and the Creation of New Log FilesWhen IIS logging is enabled, as it is by default, new log entries are generated whenever users are accessing the server. This causes a progressive increase in log file size or in the number of log files. You may need to balance the gathering of detailed data against the need to limit files to a manageable size and number. IIS offers two options for managing the generation of log data and the creation of new log files. One way to manage log data is to use W3C Extended logging and customize it so that you gather only the data you need. Another option for managing log files is to limit log size by changing the frequency of log file creation. Log files are simply ASCII (text) files. If you find you have created many small files when you prefer one large file, you can combine the files by using the copy command. Note: If your server runs out of disk space when IIS is attempting to add a log entry to a file, IIS logging shuts down. At the same time, in the Application log of Windows Event Viewer, an event is logged. When disk space is once again available, IIS logging resumes. This causes an additional event to be logged in the Application log of Windows Event Viewer. |
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