Average Hits per Day
Total hits divided by the count of days in the log.
Average Hits per Visitor
Total hits divided by the count of visitors.
Average Number of Hits per Day on Weekdays
The average count of hits for each day of weekdays
Average Number of Hits per Weekend
The average count of hits for each day of weekend
Average Number of Visits per Day on Weekdays
The average count of visits for each day of the week
Average Number of Visits per Weekend
The average count of visits for each day of weekend
Average Page Views per Day
Total page views divided by the count of days in the log.
The size of the data transmitted from the web site.
Bounce Rate
Bounce Rate is the percentage of single-page visits . Bounce
Rate is a measure of visit quality and a high Bounce Rate generally
indicates that site entrance (landing) pages aren't relevant to
your visitors.
The program used by visitors to access files of your web
Cached Requests
Web browsers, such as Netscape and Internet Explorer speed
Internet access by using a local cache. This local cache is stored
on local hard disk. If you try to access a file that you have
previously visited, the browser will load the file from your local
cache instead of the network.The Cached Requests statistic
indicates the number of such hits.
Entry page
This is the first page accessed by visitors. Most of time, it is
homepage but in some cases it is another particular page.
Exit Page
This is the last page accessed by visitors.
Failed Requests
The count of unsuccessful request.
The specifying ranges or types of data let you limit the log
data that is analyzed and can be focused on the relevant
The abbreviation of File Transfer Protocol. It's the simplest
way to exchange files between computers on the Internet.
A request for any object or file on a web site. A log entry will
generate a "Hit" on the web server. For example, if a web page
contains 5 images, a visit on that page will generate 6 "Hits" on
the web server, one hit for the web page, 5 hits for the
The abbreviation of Hypertext Transfer Protocol. The way to
exchange files the World Wide Web.
Internal referrer
Referrers from the your own site.
Least Active Date
The least active date.
Least Active Day of the Week
The least active day of the week. If the report period is for
more than one week, the field will tell you the least active day of
the week on average.
Most Active Date
The most active date.
Most Active Day of the Week
The most active day of the week. If the report period is for
more than one week, the field will tell you the most active day of
the week on average.
The URL of a HTML page which directed the user to your site.
Return Code
The return status of the request which specifies whether the
transfer was successful. Below are available return codes:
"100" ; Continue
"101" ; Switching Protocols
"200" ; OK
"201" ; Created
"202" ; Accepted
"203" ; Non-Authoritative Information
"204" ; No Content
"205" ; Reset Content
"206" ; Partial Content
"300" ; Multiple Choices
"301" ; Moved Permanently
"302" ; Moved Temporarily
"303" ; See Other
"304" ; Not Modified
"305" ; Use Proxy
"400" ; Bad Request
"401" ; Unauthorized
"402" ; Payment Required
"403" ; Forbidden
"404" ; Not Found
"405" ; Method Not Allowed
"406" ; Not Acceptable
"407" ; Proxy Authentication Required
"408" ; Request Time-out
"409" ; Conflict
"410" ; Gone
"411" ; Length Required
"412" ; Precondition Failed
"413" ; Request Entity Too Large
"414" ; Request-URI Too Large
"415" ; Unsupported Media Type
"500" ; Internal Server Error
"501" ; Not Implemented
"502" ; Bad Gateway
"503" ; Service Unavailable
"504" ; Gateway Time-out
"505" ; HTTP Version not supported
An automated program which searches the Internet. It has other
names: robot and crawler. You can specify which directories and
files, the spider should searched by robot.txt. You can get more
detailed information about robot.txt from http://www.searchengineworld.com/robots/robots_tutorial.htm
Stolen Object
Stolen Object is non-web-page objects on your web site, such as
images, download files, which have apparently been embedded in or
directly linked to by someone else's web pages. This does not mean
that the image has been stolen in any legal sense, and it is
possible for web browsers to give incorrect information resulting
in a small number of "false positive" results. It is your
responsibility to investigate and follow up on this information by
exploring the referring pages.
Total Hits
The count of request sent to your website.
Total Page Views
The count of request to page file.( *.html, *,htm, *,asp,
The count of times a user logged into the site over a specified
period. A unique user is determined by the IP address. By default,
a visit session is terminated when a user falls inactive for more
than 30 minutes. So a unique user may visit your web site twice and
get reported as two visits.
Virtual Domain
Several virtual sites can be hosted on the same server. The
domain name of the site is virtual domain.